Duties and Responsibilities: A anesthesiologist
is a well-educated medical doctor that specialize in the field of
anesthesiology. They are responsible for the safety and well-being of patients
before and after surgery. This may
include placing them in the state of controlled unconsciousness called “general
anesthesia”, the provision of “regional anesthetics” where only a portion of
the body is made numb, or administering sedation when indicated for the relief
of pain or anxiety. They are also in charge of evaluating the patient.
Salary: $135,110 - $408,000
Education: Undergraduate Degree- about 4 years of
college, medical degree- about 4 years of graduate school M.D. or D.O.
Residency Training - 4 years of postgraduate
Reflection: Being a anesthesiologist seems interesting. I would like to become one because it seems like a fun job to do. It always make very good money